9 Ways To Effectively Save Energy At Home

From simple habitual or routine adjustments to extensive home improvements, there are many different ways to save energy at home. There are 2 basic reasons for conserving energy that is to save on utility bills and to help care for the environment. Here are 9 most common ideas to conserve energy at home.

  1. REDUCE PHANTOM LOADS. This refers to the energy that an electronic device or appliance consumes even when it isn’t turned on. You can eliminate phantom loads by unplugging appliances and electronics when you’re not using them. You may opt to plug them into a power strip, and turn the strip off when devices are not in use.
  2. USE ENERGY-EFFICIENT APPLIANCES. Make sure to look for energy-saving features when buying new appliances. These use up 10 to 50% less energy than their conventional counterparts. Although they are usually priced higher, they will more than make up for the cost in energy savings.
  3. REPLACE YOUR LIGHT BULBS. One of the most effective and perhaps the least expensive way to save energy is by replacing your light bulbs. Traditional incandescent bulbs consumes more electricity and needs to be replaced more often. Halogen, compact fluorescent lights (CFLs), and light-emitting diode (LEDs) bulbs , use 25-89% less energy and can last 3 to 25 times longer than conventional bulbs.
  4. INSTALL A SMART THERMOSTAT. Automatically adjust your home’s temperature according to your schedule by using programmable thermostats. Keep your home comfortable only when you need it to be. A smart thermostat can save you as much as 15% on heating and cooling costs.
  5. SEAL AIR LEAKS. Reduce heating and cooling expenses by weatherizing your home. Air leaks are usually found in vents, windows and doors. To prevent these leaks, make sure that there are no cracks or openings between the wall and vent, window and door frame.
  6. INSULATE. Insulation plays an important role in reducing your utility bills by retaining heat during winter and keeping the heat out during the summer. Make sure you add insulation in the attic, walls, floors, basement and crawlspace.
  7. MAKE WINDOWS EFFICIENT. Windows are a considerable source of energy waste. This can amount to 10-25% of your total heating bill. To avoid heat loss through your windows, you can use double-pane windows instead of single-pane ones. Homes in colder regions should consider using interior or exterior storm windows, which can reduce unnecessary heat loss by 10-20%. Add an extra layer of insulation between your home and external temperatures with windows, shutters, screens, and shades.
  8. CONSERVE WATER. Using less water will lessen the use of the water heater. Water heating is known to be the 3rd most energy consuming function in the home. Cut down on water use by take quicker showers and be aware of your water consumption when washing dishes, clothes and when preparing food. Save energy also by lowering your hot water temperature.
  9. ADJUST YOUR DAILY HABITS.  Sometimes you don’t have to go out and purchase energy-efficient products. Energy conservation can be as simple as turning off lights or appliances when they’re not in use. By performing household tasks manually, like hang-drying clothes or washing dishes by hand, instead of turning on your appliances will make a world of difference in saving energy at home.